TITLE: The Scientist in the Crib: What Early Learning Tells Us About the Mind

BOOK REVIEW: This book shows the awesome learning power of the head and how young kids learn from their parents. This exciting book by three innovators in the brand new discipline of cognitive science discusses significant discoveries about how much infants and young children know and study, and how much parents naturally instruct them. It claims the drive to learn is our most important instinct, and that evolution designed us both to educate and study. In addition, it reveals as fascinating insights about our grownup capabilities and how even young kids — adults as well as — use a number of exactly the same procedures that allow scientists to learn so much about the world. Filled with surprise at every turn, this graphic, lucid, and often funny book gives us a new perspective of the mysteries of the mind and the inner life of kids.

Title: The Discovery of the Child

A child learns form the Montessori environment, which includes the teacher who becomes a facilitator of the kid’s learning.

Title: How to Raise an Amazing Child (The Montessori way to bring up caring, confident children)

The author discusses if Montessori is the correct one for you as well as your kid and also describes the Montessori approach. It discusses the best way to help your son or daughter become independent, nourish that exploratory and curious temperament of the child, and starting to teach them math, reading and writing at home with ideas for actions that are easy that one can do with their own children.

TITLE: The Philosophical Baby: What Children’s Minds Tell Us About Truth, Love, and the Meaning of Life

AUTHOR: Alison Gopnik. BOOK REVIEW: This book reaffirms the belief of Maria Montessori than it was first believed to be that minds are ’sed by kids / infants’ brains are somewhat more complicated and wonderful. With today’s technology we're able to detect more of the capacities of the infants’ thoughts. This book reveals the awesome power of the thoughts of babies and values the power of the part parents play in shaping a kid’s life.

Montessori 24-36 Months - 2 to 3 Year Old

Title: What’s Going On In There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the Very First Five Years of Life

Author: Lise Eliot, Ph.D. Novel Overview: ‘What’s Going On In There‘ takes us through the evolution of the brain in the very first five years of life, starting from prenatal age. It describes in the simplest terms possible how the growth occurs, as well as counsels moms what they should and shouldn’t consume when pregnant and by what method the food might change their kid. It brings the reader through the development of each of the senses, motor skills, emotions, memory, language and intelligence. The author is a mother who's actually able to share penetration into parenthood and brain growth along with a neurologist. The author goes into present studies in infants and neurology. It is a novel that supports the observations of Maria Montessoriwith the help of contemporary technology to establish her theories. As one of the baby’s senses that are most mature, the vestibular system provides a fast track into the developing brain. It doesn’t take long for most parents to detect the power of this secret sense, but isn’t it pleasant to understand that all that jiggling, rocking, and carrying isn't just soothing to your infant, it really is truly also great for her appearing thoughts?

Day care centres - Toronto

Title: Understanding the Human Being (The Importance of the First Three Years of Life)

Author: Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro, M.D. Novel Overview: This novel is a highly recommended Montessori publication that makes a great gift to any expecting mom. It explains, from a health perspective, the development of babies and so what might be achieved to help their development. It is useful for practically any parent to better comprehend their infant and simple to read.